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Designing with components

This is a post about designers making their Sketch designs easier for developers.

Tools for accessible designs

This is a post about different plugins designers can use for their software to make sure their design are accessible to all.

Interview nightmares - The Busy Body

This is a post about a horrible phone interview with an outsourced agency. The gentleman asked me for my social security number.

Interview nightmares - The New Kid on the HR Block

This is a post about a horrible interview. The young lady interviewing was being trained to be an HR rep and thought I'd be a great fit. She didn't know the difference between Java and Javascript.

A Build Process FTW!

After many, many trials and failures, this method has worked for me.

Creating a draft process in eleventy.

A nifty feature of Jekyll is the _drafts collection. Eleventy, let's us control our own draft process using Javascript!